On top of spaghetti, all covered in cheese…

It’s a cold, snowy night here on the East Coast and I’m stuffed full of spaghetti and meatballs that were neither natural, organic, or locally produced. In fact, the meatballs weren’t even homemade. They were frozen. I bought them in a bag fully cooked, chocked full of preservatives and god knows what else. I’m not going to lie – they were awesome.

Oh, the humanity.

Don’t worry, I’m just following through with Rule #6 and finishing up all the things I have around the house, replacing everything little by little. My next gluttonous bowl full of spaghetti and meatballs will be decidedly different and I’m actually pretty psyched to get things rolling. So psyched, in fact, that I think I’ve finally finished outlining my goals. Yes, that little tablet you see able is six pages deep in semi-organized thoughts about things I want to add to or eliminate from my life. I won’t bore anyone with all the details here – really it’s just sort of stream of consciousness and some of them are really long-term goals, but it helped give me a good idea of what I’m gunning for. I’ll throw a rough form of the lists up in the tabs at the top of the page, if for nothing else to give myself the satisfaction of bolding or crossing out the things I try.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to read up on the debate over sodium lauryl sulfate. Don’t be jealous.

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